FAQ - PMS Doctor

We have a passion for promoting healthy, balanced and beautiful living. Offering massage, Acupuncture, Laser Skincare, fitness classes and more, we emphasize preventive care, stress management, and personal growth.
6. Diet plans for hormonal balance 7. Personalized PMS coaching services 8. Holistic approaches to PMS relief 9. Hormonal health tips for women 10. Natural remedies for severe PMS symptoms

Take the Quiz

How long with the quiz take?

 Less than 3 minutes! I will give you some quick tips once you finish the quiz to start implementing immediately.   Click on ‘Take the Quiz’

Whoa!! My results 100% correct? What now?

Your symptoms are a road map to better health.  The next step is purchasing the diet plan to help get you back in balance.  Your lifestyle, diet, and emotions control your hormones.  If you continue with the same program you are doing now (why you have challenging PMS), the problems will progress if you don’t course correct.  You control your hormones, you control the outcome, you control your health!  Let’s get started!

My results are partially correct. What does that mean?

What started your PMS problems may have been simple, yet, as you know if you don’t work on problems, problems get bigger!  You most likely have a combination of period types.  Purchasing the diet plan will help, yet, you will need a more customized plan.  Book an appointment with me for a more customized plan to solving your period issues today.

I have taken the quiz, now what?

Congratulations! You are one step closer to having a better period, better life and even better relationship!   Now is it time to take action and start creating better results!  Purchase the diet plan to start seeing results! 

I don’t want to share my email. Can I still take the quiz?

We use the email to send you results. We never share your email with ANYONE!  We want to help you not create more problems!  We occasionally send information and promotions to help you understand your body and create solutions.  You can always opt out of the communication.  

Cycle Syncing® Menstruation Fertility Perimenopause PMS symptoms Hormone balance Women's health Period problems MyFLO App Cycle Syncing® method Hormone support supplements

Understanding Your Body

I thought all women got cramps. How can I stop mine?

 Cramps can be mild to severe depending on blood quality, quantity, stagnation or clots.  Your body is alerting you to improper blood flow throughout the body by sending you a ‘signal’ -> painful cramps/PMS.   With the proper diet and exercise for your period type, you will be period cramp free!  There are solutions and they will change your life!  Start by taking our quiz to find out your period type. 

How often should I get my period?

Typical cycle length is 28-32 days with your period being 3-5 days.   If your cycle and periods are shorter or longer, it could indicate imbalance.  First step in recovery is to take our quiz to understand what your period type and what your cycle/period length means.  

What color should my period blood be?

Red.  Purple, brown, bright, pink, watery blood all indicate imbalance.  First step in recovery is to take our quiz.  Click on ‘Take the Quiz’ to get started.

Western medical terms are confusing and make me nervous. Can you help me understand them better?

Yes. I will help you understand what is happening in your body without all the confusing western medical terms.  Western medical terms help a doctor to chart your situation, but don’t necessarily help you understand your situation, how you got there and what you can do about it.  Your symptoms tell what is happening in your body!  To get started, click on ‘Take the Quiz’ to find out your period type.

What benefits can I gain from learning more?

Better period, better emotions, better weight, better life!  Your body is out of balance and can cause estrogen, testosterone and progesterone levels to spike and decline.  First step in recovery is to take our quiz to understand what your period is telling you.  

How is your program different from other programs?

Solutions are simple when you understand what is happening in your body.  You control your hormones with everyday lifestyle, diet and emotions which means changes to lifestyle, diet and emotions can get you back in balance.   PMS problems and solutions are understudied in western medicine.  They have also made it so much more complex and frankly, scary!   Eastern medicine is thousands of year old studied and tested philosophies.  It takes a comprehensive look at the body and offers natural solutions based on your signs and symptoms.   After taking the quiz, I am sure you are already surprised by the results and shared tips!  

Hormonal health Cycle Syncing® Menstruation Fertility Perimenopause PMS symptoms Hormone balance

Get Your Diet Plan

I thought I ate healthy, but I am still having PMS issues. Why?

 Every type of food affects the body differently, ie. Some should eat more salads while others need to avoid them.  What may seem “healthy” may not be healthy for you.  Otherwise, why are you having issues?   Pain or problems indicate you are out of balance.  In order to get back in balance, you want to understand your period type to implement solutions and get your hormones back in balance! Take our quiz to get started!

I am vegan or vegetarian, do your food plans support this way of eating?

Being both vegan and vegetarian at different times in my life, Dr. Kara is supportive to your diet choices!  It is VERY important you understand what your symptoms mean coupled with how being a vegan or vegetarian has affected positively and negatively you.  Many vegans and vegetarians can have specific symptoms indicating blood production issues and can lead to long term issues if untreated.  Start with taking the quiz to see if you are out of balance and what it can mean!  We have diet plans to cater to your needs!

Do I have to measure my food with your plans?

No.  We like to create less stress by making things easy!   Your protocol will emphasize which food groups you need more or less of, but there is no measuring needed.  You get to choose when you eat them or how you want to put the foods groups together. 

My schedule can get hectic and don’t have a lot of time to plan my meals or cook. Is this an issue with your diet plans?

No.  What time you eat or cook is on your schedule.  We give guidelines of food groups, types of foods to avoid and incorporate as well as information on the how, why and what is important based on your PMS.   The point of all our protocols is to empower you with tools for getting back in balance by understanding how you are out of balance.  We like to make things simple! 

Are your plans mostly vegan or vegetarian? Or only “healthy”?

No.  Each period type needs specific foods based on their PMS sign and symptoms, ie. for certain period types we recommend beef or dairy which might be considered “unhealthy” by western standards. 

How long does it take for your diet plans to work?

It depends on your period type.  Some will notice positive changes in their body immediately, some will take more time.   To understand more about your body, take our quiz.  I will offer immediate answers and solutions to get you feeling better! 

1. Menstrual Cycle Management 2. PMS Supplements 3. Hormone Therapy 4. PMS Coaching 5. Natural Hormone Balancing 6. Menstrual Health 7. PMS Diet 8. Hormone Imbalance Symptoms 9. PMS Support 10. Period Pain Relief
1. How to relieve PMS symptoms naturally 2. Best supplements for hormone balance 3. Natural ways to manage premenstrual syndrome 4. Effective PMS treatments without medication 5. How to balance hormones during menstrual cycle

Learn More Together

Can we book you as a speaker at our conference?

Absolutely! I love helping woman understand their bodies better.  Not only does it help a woman with her PMS, it helps emotional state, productivity, and physical ailments!  Speaking times are typically 10 minutes to 1 hour.   Please email us to find out more.

Where are you speaking?

I speak for various groups, get-togethers and retreats.  Please email us to find out more. 


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